Getting Inspired and Running With It

Where does inspiration come from?

I know mine comes from a bit of everywhere.  It mostly comes down to being open to it, and paying attention.

I have been really excited about the progress that I have made in my #100DayProject.  Today is Day 30, and I have completed and posted thirty 5X5 paintings.  The styles, techniques, and subjects are all different and I have added a personal, unique flair to each one.

The progress I have made with this project and the creativity I have been able to use has given me an idea for my next book.

Why do some habits click and others don't? Even when the same process is applied?  Is there something that can be done to ensure success?  I'm intrigued and I have dived into the writing process to get the most out of the idea.

In a lot of ways, following inspiration can take you on a leap down the rabbit's hole and you are surprised where everything ends up.  That is my hope with this book.

The universe is also trying to give me a sign.  The One Thing keeps popping up everywhere for me.  It is next on my to be read list.  

Hope you have an inspired week.  

Keep your eyes, ears, and heart open for inspiration.  Then run with it and see where it can take you.

Try something new and lose yourself in learning and seeing for the first time.  Set a challenge for yourself and see how far you run with it.

Consistency and Creativity

For the last week, I have painted a 5x5 inch small painting and posted the finished result on Instagram.  I know in order to complete my 100 day project, I need to be consistent-- on a daily basis.  

I have found that consistency doesn't hurt my creativity, it promotes and sparks it.  My goal with this blog is to consistently post every single Monday.  It can be updates on my books, the book publishing journey, inspiration, or #BookLove for a book I recently devoured.  I want to share with my readers on a consistent basis.  It is a work in progress.

As for Instagram, I'm learning the platform and starting to really like it.  Each day this week I have posted a completed, and sometimes still wet, painting.  I didn't wait for inspiration, or a Muse, or permission.  I knew each day I needed to complete a painting.  I started and went with it.  Creativity usually showed up after I started.

Before this week, I had not used acrylics.  I had previously bought a cheap set from the craft store that came with a set of brushes.  For all my paintings I have used a #8 round brush, a plastic pallet knife (for color mixing), and the plastic pallet that came with it.  Nothing fancy, but it works.  The only extras were a tube unbleached titanium and a bottle of acrylic fluid for the glaze I needed to mix for the bread and butter painting.

What I'm getting to, is that I'm not a fine arts major.  I took Experimental Art in high school and was able to learn the importance of keeping a sketchbook (which I always have in my purse) and we learned the basics of watercolor and oil painting.  I liked both of those mediums.  Oil painting has more steps to clean up and isn't feasible if you don't have a studio or space for the painting to be wet for days.

Acrylics offer easier clean up for your brushes with water and faster drying times.  For the most part that holds true, but at times I feel like it doesn't dry fast enough!  But what I am trying to say is that I think anyone interested in giving it a go, should try acrylics.  This medium is beginner friendly and fun to try out.

To recap, consistency is not easy.  It is a constant work in progress.  However, I think that the more consistent we are, the more Creativity shows up.

Try this week to be consistent with something whether it is practicing your musical instrument, writing, or painting.  Keep at it and you'll reach your goals.  Jump in and get started!

Week one of the #100DayProject completed!

Week one of the #100DayProject completed!

Joining Instagram and Learning How to Paint

Today, I joined Instagram.  If you want to check it out, my username is: marieschaeller.  Or you can click here.  My main goal of joining was to begin and document my #100DayProject.  For the project, I'll be painting one small 5x5 square every day for 100 days.

Before today, I haven't really used acrylics.  I like to learn and try new things.  I purchased a book called Learn to Paint in Acrylics with 50 Small Paintings: Pick up the skills, put on the paint, and hang up your art by Mark Daniel Nelson.  These are small and quick.

For the first half of the challenge, I'm following the book and painting in order.  I'll see what happens after the 50th painting.  Either I'll keep going with acrylics or switch it up with some watercolors.  

Check out the feed to see how I fare with this creativity challenge.  Feel free to join in on the 100 Day Project, and don't forget May 15th starts the five day Bare Naked Bravery Challenge.  Lots of creativity and inspiration in the month of May!


#100DayProject Day 1 Painting "Moonrise"

#100DayProject Day 1 Painting "Moonrise"